Sunday 29 March 2015

Books for Urban Design

A quick guide for the Urban Design Studio. We were introduced to the subject of Urban Design by Razdan Sir when he started taking the ‘The theory of Town Planning’ subject for us and learning from someone like him is like diving into the ocean of information and knowledge. Though we stuck to the syllabus in that semester but Sir kept telling us about good books of Urban Design. But ‘how theory could help us design’, this was another quest, which was answered in eight and ninth semester when we actually started working on an Urban level studio. At this time, Aditya Sir added on few more good reads to the 'list'. Also, Urban Design is an all new language in design and thus to learn and understand a new language you must be aware of its basics, I feel.

Recently, one of you asked me for some inspiration for Urban Design and I realized that I should share the list of books (some I have read myself and some I know are good) with you guys so that you can dig into something right for the subject.

So, here we go, My favorite 10 UD books. (in random order)

1.  The Image of the City – by Kevin Lynch
2. A Pattern Language – by Christopher W. Alexander
3. The timeless Way of Building – by Christopher W. Alexander
4. Urban Design Handbook: Techniques and Working Methods – by Urban Design Associates
5. Good City Form  - by Kevin Lynch
6. Design With Nature – by Ian L. McHarg
7. The Death and Life of Great American Cities – by Jane Jacobs
8. The Theory of Good City Form – by Kevin Lynch
9. Urban Design (Series) – by Cliff Moughtin
10. The Architecture of Town and Cities -  by Paul D. Spreiregen

Well, these will help you for sure. Moreover, you can also look for the How Buildings Learn Series (videos by Stewart Brand) . Those who are interested to read in depth about architecture in ancient India can get a copy of Architecture of Manasara for themselves. There are nine volumes of the same but I have seen and read (partially) the Seventh Volume till now.

All the best.