Sunday 20 November 2011


As they say, “This life is not for complaint, but for satisfaction”, and satisfaction lies within one’s own approval. The continual quest for satisfaction is the intention of this ‘blog’. Any post here is a sheer attempt of ‘Being Me’, and that’s the straight path towards satisfaction and thus happiness.
Welcome to my blog.
Well, if you have been invited to view this blog, then you know me quite well, so there’s no need for introduction – I am the same as you know me so you can actually skip the rest of this page and continue reading the posts! If it’s otherwise, then read on and you’ll get to know.
While introducing myself, I would like to confess that writing about your own ‘life’ is far easier than writing about your own ‘self’. This is a space which is kind of a ‘truth seeking’ journey where I could explore my inner-self and the process goes on – I am Googling ‘I…’ here. That’s why the blog name – ‘To be DB’ [DB – Dishant Bhatia, that’s my name]

Formally, I am an Architect. And as the tag-line suggests, “khush hai wahi jo… thoda betaab hai”, I am quite restless of doing few things which make me feel contented, which is NOT an alien trait thus I am not ‘special’. So, you are requested not to treat me and my blog as something ‘special’. While figuring out such things, by far I can number few which keep me busy – Architecture, Design, Work, Music, Photography, Travel, Writing, Cartooning and Friends! [Whoa, it’s actually quite easy to do the ‘self-exploration’ job] Well, these are the reasons of my restlessness and thus with due respect while being ‘me’, in this blog, I shall write and discuss about them only.

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