Saturday 24 January 2015

Breaking the Habit

Its been seven years now that I was introduced to the studies of architecture. In the early years of the study we had no idea of what it is and how it is to be pursued. Although we were fortunate enough to have teachers who told us that "architecture is all about the feel and experience". But unfortunately, the juvenile brain couldn't get the qoute. It took me the next four years to understand what he actually meant.

Years have passed but the pattern, rather I should call it the 'process', of 'studying' architecture has not changed much. New batches keep coming in and they sort of get even more 'disconnected' from architecture. There could be several reasons, like the knowledge or process they inherit or the easy access of everything through internet. (Not getting into much details) I would like to put some light on the 'habits' of architectural students around.

Gund Hall (pic:
Imagine. A student of second year studio of architecture. The batch who played with structures in first year, learned the basics of graphics, got familiar with the tools of architecture and realized that they can 'build' habitable structures. An excited student who's being poked by his parents/friends back home to 'design' rooms, shops, clinics, etc. He's been told by his seniors to join some firm in vacations to get some taste of 'practicality'. This student is forced to 'believe' that he can start designing.

The base is set. He now knows the 'basics', he now thinks he can design, and awaits a 'site' to be given to him so that he can add another layer of misconception on the previous one and design whatever is given to him without understanding a 'space'.

As students, we restrict ourlselves to 2D drawings without relating them with the third dimension. Working in 3D doesnt always mean the usage of CAD softwares. A student must always experiment. The base years of architecture are supposed to play with 'actual' planes and surfaces. They need to understand first the idea of 'volumes' before jumping to the elements of construction.

Model Making studio, Understanding Massing, IInd Semester
Just as we used to play with lego blocks and other construction games in childhood, first and second year of studies are to make us re-invent the idea of space. Playing with models is one idea to play with structures and realize the importance of 'scale'. One must be 'fearless' in attempting models. Start defining 'experience' in terms of 3D volumes.When I say 'define' space, its not just the shape and size. A space is defined by its experience.  List down the experiences you have had till date and create 3D models for some of them.

Conceptual Model, Student's Plaza, Ist Semester
Designing a bungalow or country club is not just about walls, windows, deck etc. First, understand the 'wall', decipher the language of a 'window', try to study each and every material and the experience induced by their 'textures', make yourself familiar with common materials, study the local materials used for construction in and around college campus

Form space and order is one of the many 'good books' of architecture which we have but don't value!
Try out new things, work with models, break the conventional, experiment with everything, break the old habits and enjoy 'designing'.

Architecture is very much an intangible experience, with this blog, the aim to pass on this very experience and induce the feeling to 'think out of the box' and attempt what has not been done yet! 

1 comment:

  1. totally INSPIRATIONAL ,even though i am not a student anymore (Y)
